Information Orientation (IO): The Proven Link to Business Performance
critical issue faced by organizations in these difficult times is how to
leverage and manage the three most important, expensive and decisive
resources: people, technology and information.
The Information Orientation (IO) metric is the first and
only business tool to measure these resources with a proven link to
superior business performance."
Dr. Donald A. Marchand, Professor of Strategy and Information Management
at IMD International and Chairman of enterpriseIQ®
Consider how much money your company has spent on
technology and information management in the last five years, and answer
the following key questions:
Are your investments in people, information and
IT measurably improving your bottom line? |
Are information and knowledge in your
organization being used effectively to drive performance? |
Are you certain that your CRM, ERP or other
information-based initiatives are creating the maximum value for
your business? |
Are you building excellent information
capabilities to grow and win? |
At enterpriseIQ® we work with businesses to
provide the answers to these questions.
Information Orientation (IO) measures how effectively a company manages information, people
and technology. Information Orientation (IO) helps managers to
understand and manage:
IT practices – the technical component
of a company's information use. This is the capability to manage
investments in the IT hardware, software and networks that support
operations, business processes, innovation and decision-making. |
Information management practices – a
company's ability to recognize and sense information of commercial
value. Collecting, organizing, processing and maintaining
information are decisive in achieving success. |
Information behaviours and values – the
human element is present in all three capabilities, but of
particular significance is the extent to which a company's
organizational culture encourages managers and employees to use and
share information to carry out their work. |
The Information Orientation Maturity Model operationalizes the
practices and people behaviors that a company’s managers & people
must have to use information, their knowledge and IT to achieve.
